Source code for vfd.builder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Mimic matplotlib interface to generate VFD files"""

from __future__ import division

from os import path
import math
import tempfile
import subprocess
from numbers import Number
import logging
from copy import deepcopy

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    plt = None

    import itertools.izip as zip
except ImportError:

from . import vfd

logger = logging.Logger("vfd")

    import numpy as np

    def _ensure_normal_type(*lists):
        """Make sure lists of data are regular python"""
        ret = tuple([[] for _ in range(len(lists))])
        for items in zip(*lists):
            if np.isfinite(items).all():
                for pos, i in enumerate(items):
                    if isinstance(i, np.ndarray):
                        i = i.tolist()
                    if isinstance(i, np.generic):
        return ret

except ImportError:
    # Assume no numpy is used if no numpy is around
    def _ensure_normal_type(*lists):
        """Make sure lists of data are regular python"""
        ret = tuple([[] for _ in range(len(lists))])
        for items in zip(*lists):
            if any(math.isnan(x) or math.isinf(x) for x in items):
                for pos, i in enumerate(items):
        return ret

def _squeeze_matrix(matrix):
    """Remove dimensions with one element"""
    if len(matrix[0]) == 1 and len(matrix) == 1:
        return matrix[0][0]
    elif len(matrix[0]) == 1:
        return [row[0] for row in matrix]
    elif len(matrix) == 1:
        return matrix[0]
        return matrix

_float_pattern = '[-+]?(?:(?:\d*\.\d+)|(?:\d+\.?))(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?'

[docs]def supplant_pyplot(): """Replace the pyplot module by a Builder instance""" import sys module = sys.modules['matplotlib'] module.pyplot = Builder() sys.modules['matplotlib'] = module
# TODO: A lot of repeated code to move to a default Axes object
[docs]class Builder: """ Class that mimics the behaviour of matplotlib.pyplot to produce vfd files. Consider calling the supplant_pyplot method or adding "plt=Builder()" to your plotting script to add vfd file generation. """ def __init__(self, to_matplotlib=True): """ Args: to_matplotlib (bool): Whether to send all methods to matplotlib.pyplot after getting their info. """ = {} self._fig = None self._subplots = None if plt is None and to_matplotlib: logger.warning("Matplotlib not available") self.to_matplotlib = False else: self.to_matplotlib = to_matplotlib def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass
[docs] def semilogx(self, *args, **kwargs):["xlog"] = True self._plot(*args, **kwargs) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.semilogx(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def semilogy(self, *args, **kwargs):["ylog"] = True self._plot(*args, **kwargs) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.semilogy(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def loglog(self, *args, **kwargs):["xlog"] = True["ylog"] = True self._plot(*args, **kwargs) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.loglog(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): self._plot(*args, **kwargs) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.plot(*args, **kwargs)
def _plot(self, *args, **kwargs):["type"] = "plot" if len(args) == 0: raise TypeError("At least one argument is needed") new_series = {} if len(args) == 1: new_series["y"] = _ensure_normal_type(args[0])[0] else: new_series["x"], new_series["y"] = _ensure_normal_type(args[0], args[1]) if "label" in kwargs: new_series["label"] = str(kwargs["label"]) if "series" not in["series"] = [new_series] else:["series"].append(new_series)
[docs] def errorbar(self, x, y, yerr=None, xerr=None, **kwargs):["type"] = "plot" new_series = {"x": x, "y": y} if yerr: if isinstance(yerr, Number): new_series["yerr"] = _ensure_normal_type([yerr] * len(y))[0] elif isinstance(yerr[0], Number): new_series["yerr"] = _ensure_normal_type(yerr)[0] else: new_series["ymax"] = _ensure_normal_type([y0 + err for y0, err in zip(y, yerr[0])])[0] new_series["ymin"] = _ensure_normal_type([y0 - err for y0, err in zip(y, yerr[1])])[0] if xerr: if isinstance(xerr, Number): new_series["xerr"] = _ensure_normal_type([xerr] * len(x))[0] elif isinstance(xerr[0], Number): new_series["xerr"] = _ensure_normal_type(xerr)[0] else: new_series["xmax"] = _ensure_normal_type([y0 + err for y0, err in zip(x, xerr[0])])[0] new_series["xmin"] = _ensure_normal_type([y0 - err for y0, err in zip(x, xerr[1])])[0] if "label" in kwargs: new_series["label"] = str(kwargs["label"]) if "series" not in["series"] = [new_series] else:["series"].append(new_series) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=None, xerr=None, **kwargs)
[docs] def xlabel(self, label, **kwargs):["xlabel"] = label if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.xlabel(label, **kwargs)
[docs] def ylabel(self, label, **kwargs):["ylabel"] = label if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.ylabel(label, **kwargs)
[docs] def title(self, title, *args):["title"] = title if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.title(title, *args)
[docs] def legend(self, *args, **kwargs): try:["legendtitle"] = kwargs["title"] except KeyError: pass # TODO: Parse other args. if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.legend(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def ylim(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 2:["yrange"] = args elif len(args) == 1:["yrange"] = args[0] # TODO: Parse kwargs if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.ylim(*args, **kwargs) pass
[docs] def xlim(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 2:["xrange"] = args elif len(args) == 1:["xrange"] = args[0] # TODO: Parse kwargs if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.xlim(*args, **kwargs) pass
[docs] def contour(self, *args, **kwargs): self._colorplot(*args, **kwargs) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.contour(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def contourf(self, *args, **kwargs): self._colorplot(*args, **kwargs) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.contourf(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def pcolor(self, *args, **kwargs): self._colorplot(*args, **kwargs) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.pcolor(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def pcolormesh(self, *args, **kwargs): self._colorplot(*args, **kwargs) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.pcolormesh(*args, **kwargs)
def _colorplot(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) in [1, 2]: # 2nd argument might be in the signature of contour/contourf["type"] = "colorplot"["z"] = list(_ensure_normal_type(*args[0])) elif len(args) in [3, 4]: # 4th argument might be in the signature of contour/contourf x, y, z = args[0:3] # Dimensions of X,Y in pcolor/pcolormesh might be those of Z + 1 (in fact, they should) # Use an average if that is the case if len(x) == len(z[0]) + 1: x = [(a + b) / 2 for a, b in zip(x[1:], x[:-1])] if len(y) == len(z) + 1: y = [(a + b) / 2 for a, b in zip(y[1:], y[:-1])]["type"] = "colorplot" # TODO: Nan and Inf should be improved["x"] = _ensure_normal_type(x)[0]["y"] = _ensure_normal_type(y)[0]["z"] = list(_ensure_normal_type(*z)) else: raise ValueError("Bad argument number") if "norm" in kwargs and plt is not None: # Check if logarithmic if isinstance(kwargs["norm"], LogNorm):["zlog"] = True
[docs] def subplots(self, *args, **kwargs): # Default values num_rows, num_cols = 1, 1 if len(args) > 0: num_rows = args[0] if len(args) > 1: num_cols = args[1] # We allow collision between args and kwargs. It's a feature, not a bug. try: num_rows = kwargs["nrows"] except KeyError: pass try: num_cols = kwargs["ncols"] except KeyError: pass squeeze = True try: squeeze = kwargs["squeeze"] except KeyError: pass if self.to_matplotlib: # To ease treatment kwargs["squeeze"] = False fig, mpl_axes = plt.subplots(*args, **kwargs) self._fig = FigureBuilder(self, fig=fig) self._subplots = [[AxesBuilder(axis) for axis in row] for row in mpl_axes] else: fig = FigureBuilder(self, fig=None) self._subplots = [[AxesBuilder(None) for _ in range(num_cols)] for _ in range(num_rows)]["type"] = "multiplot" try:["xshared"] = kwargs["sharex"] if isinstance(kwargs["sharex"], str) else ( "all" if kwargs["sharex"] else "none") except KeyError: pass try:["yshared"] = kwargs["sharey"] if isinstance(kwargs["sharey"], str) else ( "all" if kwargs["sharey"] else "none") except KeyError: pass if squeeze: return self._fig, _squeeze_matrix(self._subplots) else: return self._fig, self._subplots
[docs] def text(self, x, y, s, **kwargs): if "epilog" not in["epilog"] = []["epilog"].append({"type": "text", "x": x, "y": y, "text": s}) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.text(x, y, s, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_data(self): if self._subplots is not None:["plots"] = [[x.get_data() for x in row] for row in self._subplots] return
[docs] def to_json(self, compact=False, compact_arrays=True): """ Return a JSON representation of the data. Args: compact (bool): Whether to save space in detriment of readability. compact_arrays (bool): If compact was False, whether to make 1d arrays of numbers compact. This both improves readability and saves space. Returns: str: A JSON representation of the data. """ return vfd.python_to_json(self.get_data(), compact=compact, compact_arrays=compact_arrays)
[docs] def show(self): # TODO: Doesn't work from Jupyter with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".vfd") as f: self.savevfd( # Prefer the system installed vfd to the package proc = subprocess.Popen(["vfd", path.abspath(], cwd=path.abspath(path.dirname( proc.wait() if self.to_matplotlib: return
[docs] def savevfd(self, fname): """ Save the data as a vfd file. This method is automatically called when savefig is called, so whenever an image is exported, so it is the VFD. However, the original export is not overridden by the created VFD. Args: fname: Path where the file will be saved. If the extension is not vfd, it will be changed to it. """ if "." in path.basename(fname): # If has an extension fname = fname.rsplit(".", 1)[0] # Remove it fname += ".vfd" with open(fname, "w") as text_file: text_file.write(self.to_json())
[docs] def savefig(self, fname, **kwargs): self.savevfd(fname) if self.to_matplotlib: return plt.savefig(fname, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name): if self.to_matplotlib: logger.warning("Attribute '%s' is not parsed by Builder" % name) return getattr(plt, name) else: raise AttributeError("Builder has no attribute '%s'" % name)
[docs]class FigureBuilder: """ Class that mimics the behaviour of matplotlib.pyplot.figure to produce vfd files. """ def __init__(self, builder, fig=None): self.builder = builder self.fig = fig
[docs] def savefig(self, fname, **kwargs): self.builder.savevfd(fname) if self.fig is not None: return self.fig.savefig(fname, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name): if self.fig is not None: logger.warning("Attribute '%s' is not parsed by FigureBuilder" % name) return getattr(self.fig, name) else: raise AttributeError("FigureBuilder has no attribute '%s'" % name)
[docs]class AxesBuilder: """ Class that mimics the behaviour of matplotlib.pyplot.axes to produce vfd files. """ def __init__(self, axes=None): self.axes = axes = {"type": "plot"} self.twins_x = [] self.twins_y = []
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): self._plot(*args, **kwargs) if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def semilogx(self, *args, **kwargs):["xlog"] = True self._plot(*args, **kwargs) if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.semilogx(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def semilogy(self, *args, **kwargs):["ylog"] = True self._plot(*args, **kwargs) if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.semilogy(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def loglog(self, *args, **kwargs):["xlog"] = True["ylog"] = True self._plot(*args, **kwargs) if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.loglog(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def errorbar(self, x, y, yerr=None, xerr=None, **kwargs):["type"] = "plot" new_series = {"x": x, "y": y} if yerr: if isinstance(yerr, Number): new_series["yerr"] = _ensure_normal_type([yerr] * len(y))[0] elif isinstance(yerr[0], Number): new_series["yerr"] = _ensure_normal_type(yerr)[0] else: new_series["ymax"] = _ensure_normal_type([y0 + err for y0, err in zip(y, yerr[0])])[0] new_series["ymin"] = _ensure_normal_type([y0 - err for y0, err in zip(y, yerr[1])])[0] if xerr: if isinstance(xerr, Number): new_series["xerr"] = _ensure_normal_type([xerr] * len(x))[0] elif isinstance(xerr[0], Number): new_series["xerr"] = _ensure_normal_type(xerr)[0] else: new_series["xmax"] = _ensure_normal_type([y0 + err for y0, err in zip(x, xerr[0])])[0] new_series["xmin"] = _ensure_normal_type([y0 - err for y0, err in zip(x, xerr[1])])[0] if "label" in kwargs: new_series["label"] = str(kwargs["label"]) if "series" not in["series"] = [new_series] else:["series"].append(new_series) if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.errorbar(x, y, yerr=None, xerr=None, **kwargs)
def _plot(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: raise TypeError("At least one argument is needed") new_series = {} if len(args) == 1: new_series["y"] = _ensure_normal_type(args[0])[0] else: new_series["x"], new_series["y"] = _ensure_normal_type(args[0], args[1]) if "label" in kwargs: new_series["label"] = str(kwargs["label"]) if "series" not in["series"] = [new_series] else:["series"].append(new_series)
[docs] def set_xlabel(self, label, **kwargs):["xlabel"] = label if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.set_xlabel(label, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_ylabel(self, label, **kwargs):["ylabel"] = label if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.set_ylabel(label, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_title(self, title, *args):["title"] = title if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.set_title(title, *args)
[docs] def legend(self, *args, **kwargs): try:["legendtitle"] = kwargs["title"] except KeyError: pass # TODO: Parse other args. if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.legend(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_ylim(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 2:["yrange"] = args elif len(args) == 1:["yrange"] = args[0] # TODO: Parse kwargs if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.set_ylim(*args, **kwargs) pass
[docs] def set_xlim(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 2:["xrange"] = args elif len(args) == 1:["xrange"] = args[0] # TODO: Parse kwargs if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.set_xlim(*args, **kwargs) pass
[docs] def contour(self, *args, **kwargs): self._colorplot(*args, **kwargs) if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.contour(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def contourf(self, *args, **kwargs): self._colorplot(*args, **kwargs) if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.contourf(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def pcolor(self, *args, **kwargs): self._colorplot(*args, **kwargs) if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.pcolor(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def pcolormesh(self, *args, **kwargs): self._colorplot(*args, **kwargs) if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.pcolormesh(*args, **kwargs)
def _colorplot(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) in [1, 2]: # 2nd argument might be in the signature of contour/contourf["type"] = "colorplot"["z"] = _ensure_normal_type(args[0])[0] elif len(args) in [3, 4]: # 4th argument might be in the signature of contour/contourf x, y, z = args[0:3] # Dimensions of X,Y in pcolor/pcolormesh might be those of Z + 1 (in fact, they should) # Use an average if that is the case if len(x) == len(z[0]) + 1: x = [(a + b) / 2 for a, b in zip(x[1:], x[:-1])] if len(y) == len(z) + 1: y = [(a + b) / 2 for a, b in zip(y[1:], y[:-1])]["type"] = "colorplot"["x"] = _ensure_normal_type(x)[0]["y"] = _ensure_normal_type(y)[0]["z"] = _ensure_normal_type(z)[0] else: raise ValueError("Bad argument number") if "norm" in kwargs and plt is not None: # Check if logarithmic if isinstance(kwargs["norm"], LogNorm):["zlog"] = True
[docs] def text(self, x, y, s, **kwargs): if "epilog" not in["epilog"] = []["epilog"].append({"type": "text", "x": x, "y": y, "text": s}) if self.axes is not None: return self.axes.text(x, y, s, **kwargs)
[docs] def twinx(self): if self.axes is not None: new_axis = AxesBuilder(self.axes.twinx()) else: new_axis = AxesBuilder self.twins_x.append(new_axis) return new_axis
[docs] def twiny(self): if self.axes is not None: new_axis = AxesBuilder(self.axes.twiny()) else: new_axis = AxesBuilder self.twins_y.append(new_axis) return new_axis
[docs] def get_data(self): data2 = deepcopy( if "series" not in data2: data2["series"] = [] for a in self.twins_x: data_twin = a.get_data() for s in data_twin["series"]: data2["series"].append(deepcopy(s)) data2["series"][-1]["yadded"] = 1 # The following code does not account for multiple axes addition if "yadded" not in data2: data2["yadded"] = [{}] if "ylabel" in data_twin: data2["yadded"][-1]["label"] = data_twin["ylabel"] if "ylog" in data_twin: data2["yadded"][-1]["log"] = data_twin["ylog"] if "yrange" in data_twin: data2["yadded"][-1]["range"] = data_twin["yrange"] for a in self.twins_y: data_twin = a.get_data() for s in data_twin["series"]: data2["series"].append(deepcopy(s)) data2["series"][-1]["xadded"] = 1 # The following code does not account for multiple axes addition if "xadded" not in data2: data2["xadded"] = [{}] if "xlabel" in data_twin: data2["xadded"][-1]["label"] = data_twin["xlabel"] if "ylog" in data_twin: data2["xadded"][-1]["log"] = data_twin["xlog"] if "xrange" in data_twin: data2["xadded"][-1]["range"] = data_twin["xrange"] return data2
def __getattr__(self, name): if self.axes is not None: logger.warning("Attribute '%s' is not parsed by AxesBuilder" % name) return getattr(self.axes, name) else: raise AttributeError("AxesBuilder has no attribute '%s'" % name)